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How Repiping Your Home Can Boost Vancouver Resale Value

February 26th, 2024 in Benefits of Repiping
How Repiping Your Home Can Boost Resale Value

Yes, believe it or not, repiping your Vancouver home can boost its resale value. If you look online at the Multiple Listing Service for homes for sale, occasionally you will see that the homeowner is planning to repipe the house before the sale closes. This is a fact. 

Most of us get a home inspection before buying a home. If you get a home inspection, you can bet that the inspector will notice if you have PolyB piping or decreased water pressure from old pipes that need replacing from corrosion. And the home inspector is going to put that in his report along with the potential cost of repiping. 

You would be much better off doing this work before putting your house up for sale. Then you can use this as a marketing feature, “Homeowner just spent X dollars repiping so the new buyer will not have to.” This is a big plus, aside from the fact that in some areas, insurers will not want to insure the home when repiping is needed or will charge you a premium until the work is done. 

Polybutylene pipe will be obvious to a home inspector, and pipe corrosion will also be obvious because of decreased pressure coming out of the tap and knowing the age of the home and its location. 

The Value of Repiping a Vancouver Home Before a Sale

There is a long list of reasons why one should do repiping as soon as possible if it is needed, but planning for the eventual sale of a home is a giant reason to do it now. Don’t wait until you have a leak or a flood and a mess to clean up. Get professionals into your Vancouver home and do your repiping right now.  

Please call us on the Lower Mainland at (604) 349-5325 if you need help assessing your piping. Repiping is our area of expertise. If you contact us, we can examine the piping in your house and give you a free estimate for what it will cost to fix it. 

Repiping Vancouver is a division of 604FixLeak offering leak detection, plumbing repairs and restoration services in the Greater Vancouver area. Repiping Vancouver concentrates on whole home or office repiping. 

If you have any questions about this article or need some help with repiping in your home or office, call us today at (604) 349-5325.